Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Top Ten in Eleven

I'm not really the type to make or keep New Years resolutions.  In fact, if I'm being perfectly honest, I'm not very good at setting and accomplishing goals in general.  I have passing thoughts that seem like great ideas but then life gets in the way and those thoughts become distant memories. So I thought I'd try something different this year.  Maybe if I write my goals down for everyone to see I will accomplish a few, my goal is to accomplish atleast half! 

1. Plant a garden.  This was a goal for 2010 but when my dr. put me on bedrest in March I quickly gave up on this idea.

2. Read 5 books. This should be doable.  I used to read a book in a week, no problem!! Sadly, I haven't read a single book since Avery was born.  I really need to start reading again.

3. Put together a photo album/scrapbook/shutterfly book of Avery's first year.  (this needs to be done by June!)

4. Run a 10k.  I use to run the Bolder Boulder  so I know I'm physically capable of running a 10k.  The problem is finding the time to train and following through on the commitment.

5. Redecorate our guest bedroom.  Right now this room is such an embarrassment I often keep the door closed and when anyone is staying with us I feel the need to apologize, multiple times, for the sad state our guest room is in. 

6. Get involved in a bible study. 

7. Get a massage!  Or two or three :)

8. Repaint the main living areas in our house (or save the money to hire someone to do this!)

9. Be a better mom / wife / daughter / sister / friend.  I have no idea how to measure this but I really want to make it a priority this year to let the most important people in my life know how truly special they are to me. 

10. Volunteer or donate to a charitable organization. 


  1. Goal #2: I am currently reading "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett and I am very impressed. It's getting rave reviews and it's a struggle for me to put it down.

    Goal #6: when you find one, let me know! I have this on my Bucket List for 2011 too.

    Goal #7: I totally think you should do that more than once!

    Goal #8: I will be a friend and paint...it's too costly to pay somebody else.

    You are going to have a great 2011 - miss you! Love you!

  2. Way to go girl, i am impressed with your list! Ok, so we MUST get together soon!!
