This past month has been full of changes and I feel like
we’re finally turning a corner. I’m very
hesitant to put this in writing because the last time I did you made me eat my
words but you are sleeping through the night (again)! We are so thankful for this and hopefully it
will become a habit now. We’ve also been
trying to work out some tummy issues this month that I think are the cause of
much of your unhappiness. We switched to a low-lactate formula and you get a
bottle of apple juice every day to help with constipation. It is helping but
I’m not sure we’ve completely solved the tummy issues. You LOVE to talk and
squeal and shriek and are giggling more and more. AJ, I think you’re going to have big
personality and it’s so fun to watch all of your facial expressions. You make us laugh all the time. You still love to watch your sister; she can
always make you smile. You are a drool
machine and want to put everything you touch in your mouth – including your
arm, fist, all toys, my hair, my hands, etc.
I’m starting to wonder if you’re teething.
You are wearing 9 month or 6-12 month (depending on the
brand) clothes
You are still wearing a size 2 diaper at daycare and we’re
doing cloth diapers at home
You’ve tried rice cereal, applesauce and sweet
potatoes. You tolerated the sweet
potatoes but wanted nothing to do with the cereal and applesauce.
You usually go to bed at 8:00 and sleep until 7:00
You take four naps during the day ranging from 30 minutes to
two hours.
You drink 5-6 5 oz. bottles
You roll over all the time – both tummy to back and back to
You still don’t like the car seat and spend most of your
time in the car crying
We really like your new “teacher” at daycare, Miss Amy. She is so sweet and you flirt with her all
the time
You like the exersaucer but tend to get bored if no one is
paying attention to you.
Asher bug, we love you so much and you are at such a fun
stage right now! You love interacting with us and we love entertaining
you! You are so curious and love to be
the center of attention! I feel like you’ve changed so much during the past
month and I can’t believe how quickly you’re growing up. I love cuddling with you but it’s so fun to
watch you play with Avery now and I can’t wait to see you two playing together in
the coming months.